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About the awards

Australia’s longest standing independent and whole-of-market fund awards

Held in June in Sydney, the black-tie gala event brought together the industry’s top performers and stand-out fund managers.

Individuals were encouraged to nominate a colleague or submit themselves into the category they are eligible for, while group finalists were chosen through a meticulous judging criteria through our research partner Lonsec.

The Lonsec group is positioned at the nexus of Australia’s financial advice and investment industry, enabling them to provide practical, actionable insights that add real value to our investment and advice solutions. Lonsec connects financial advisers, fund managers and super funds with the tools, data and insights to make better investment decisions, grow their funds, engage better with members, and meet their best interest obligations. Comprising Lonsec Research, SuperRatings and Lonsec Investment Solutions, Lonsec rates over 2000 investment funds and equities and 500 plus superannuation products and is one of Australia’s fastest growing managed accounts providers.

From the rising stars and leaders of tomorrow to the most senior professionals and boutique funds and new entrants to the heavyweights, this program comprehensively covers the industry’s finest.

Keen to get involved in 2025? Register your interest today and be the first to know when submissions open.

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